Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog Entry #18: Homeland Security

            More and more articles have been showing up lately concerning the cyber threat threatening the United States.  Several key government officials have given talks concerning the topic, including Leon Panetta and most recently Janet Napolitano.  Her concern as Homeland Security Secretary is well warranted.  According Tony Romm, Napolitano's talk was one of many lately to stress the importance of shoring up the nation's cyber defenses and infrastructure.  She referenced the damage done by hurricane Sandy and compared it to an attack that could just as easily wreak havoc on our utilities.  As of today, there are still people without power and fuel shortages.  A group that had even moderate resources might be able to inflict far worse damage in the US. 

            Romm notes that legislation is on tap to make cyber security reforms, but he also says "stakeholders are less than optimistic the chamber will pass a bill."  Hopefully now that Obama has been elected he will be more likely to enact an executive order that will provide better security for our major infrastructure.  Even if some in the government are not happy with Obama's progress, Napolitano feels the Obama administration is committed to creating a more secure environment and is even "putting money into cybersecurity."  Let's hope this is true.  After all, we are completely dependent on eletricity and gasoline.  If a larger area was without power and fuel for weeks, it could be a horrible situation.

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